New York expands move-over rule on changing lanes

October 7, 20230

This summer, state lawmakers approved a rule expanding the state’s lane change law.

While previously only changing lanes was required when approaching emergency vehicles on the side of the road, vehicles carrying hazardous materials, and vehicles with blue or green lights illuminated, this list now includes all vehicles parked or stopped on the side of the road or expressway with controlled entry.

The law was signed by the state’s governor last week. The governor’s office said other vehicles stopped on the sides of the highway are also at risk. From 2016 to 2020, 37 people were killed in New York City while near defective vehicles.

The signing of the amendment to the law, according to the state’s governor, is a significant step forward in reducing traffic accidents and ensuring the well-being of all New Yorkers.

In 2023, about a dozen states have adopted lane change regulations that apply to all highway users. New York joins Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Virginia in making rule changes this year.

The revised rule will take effect in March 2024.

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