“The nightmare continues”: bridge repair in Memphis causes truckers discomfort

July 23, 20210

Road traffic in Memphis continues to spark anger among truckers who passing through the city after the closure of the Interstate 40.

The bridge was closed in early May due to a dangerous crack in one of the girders. Since then, traffic has become a nightmare not only for automobilists, but also for truckers who are trying to transport goods across the country.

And although drivers always calculate their travel time, they had to pay more attention to deadlines and routes after closing.

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“I’m trying to drive at night. So most of the time I am in luck. I arrived here yesterday at midnight,” said 40-year-old trucker Paul Rock. “I can only drive 11 hours a day. If you are stuck for a couple of hours in a traffic jam, it will take your travel time,” he continued.

Truck drivers say that signs indicating alternative truck routes can be easily ignored. They often rely on each other and share information about the best routes.

“There are many signs. Most of them simply advise you to find an alternative route. But I’ve been here enough to know which route is best,” Rock said.

Fortunately, repair of I-40 Bridge is running to plan so the bridge can be at least partly opened by the end of this month.


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