Foundation cashed up $25000 on professional truckers preparation

December 1, 20230

The trucking industry’s charity unit, the Trucking Cares Foundation, donated $25000 to the truck drivers preparation.

It is an economic and community development corporation that provides people with skills and support services that promote self-sufficiency. The organization operates a dozen offices and offers technical training for positions in a variety of fields, including driving large trucks.

“CET’s goal is to equip people with the skills that will enable them to pursue careers that lead to self-sufficiency in popular occupations,” said TCF Chairman Phil Bird, President and CEO of Bulldog Hiway Express. “With this donation, the Trucking Cares Foundation hopes to open doors of opportunity for more young people seeking economic independence and success.”

There are several accredited organizations in America that provide practical knowledge to individuals to further their career in the trucking industry.

The Start CDL command has a unique online format. With its help, you can obtain all the necessary theoretical knowledge while sitting at home or in any convenient place.

Each participant is assigned an online assistant, whose task is to explain how the platform works and prepare for the theoretical part of the test. For people who have difficulties with the English language, there was developed a language course where drivers study individually online.

In addition to successfully passing the remote test, future truckers will get driving practice with experienced trainers.


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