Wyoming to build 365 truck parking spaces on I-80

December 15, 20230

The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded a $26.6 million grant to build 365 truck parking spaces along I-80 in Evanston, Wyoming.

The planned truck parking lot in Evanston will be located in southwest Wyoming, according to WYDOT. The area could be completely occupied by commercial trucks and other traffic during an extended I-80 closure, which could place greater strain on local resources, on-street parking and other infrastructure.

Winter storms can cause road closures for several days. Wyoming Trucking Association CEO Sheila Ferch believes that having adequate parking will not only provide a safe place to ride out the notorious winter weather, but will also be important for the industry by giving drivers a place to take needed breaks from work.

“Truck parking continues to be a top priority for both truck drivers and trucking companies,” Ferch added. “Safe, well-lit and accessible parking makes the nation’s highway system safer.”

Construction of the parking area is expected to begin in the spring of 2026, depending on design timelines, project delivery schedules and other potential planning factors. Completion of construction is expected by 2028.

The funds were awarded to the Wyoming Department of Transportation through the federal 2023-2024 Rural Surface Transportation Grant program.


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