Does The United States Postal Service (USPS) Drug Test in 2024?

February 6, 20240

Today we have many changes in public opinion and the U.S. legislative acts regarding the legalization of drugs for medical or recreational purposes.

Employers are increasingly reviewing their drug testing policies to balance requirements, safety, and respect for the legal rights of employees.

USPS, as one of the country’s largest employers, demonstrates a strict commitment to safety, legality, and the well-being of its employees and the public. This leads many applicants aspiring to a position in this agency to ask: does USPS drug test in 2024 or not?

In this article, we will explore a comprehensive approach to USPS drug testing, highlighting the key stages of this process.

How the USPS Drug Testing process going in 2024?

Pre-employment drug testing is scheduled when a candidate is within reach for selection – no earlier than 90 days before the proposed hire. To continue the employment process, candidates must be recognized as drug-free based on a urine analysis.

A drug test with qualified status is valid for 90 days from the date of the result.

Candidates found unfit through a urine drug analysis are rejected from the vacancy they applied for. They can reapply only after 3 months.

For workers seeking promotion or demotion, a standard post office drug test is not conducted unless the position is with the United States Postal Inspection Service.

Moreover, new drug testing is not required for former employees selected for rehire within 90 days of their departure.

Commitment to a Drug-Free Workplace at USPS

USPS uses federal legislation to determine the legality of drug use, regardless of state or local laws that may permit such use. This distinction is critically important for candidates to understand, as a positive response to the use of illegal drugs leads to ineligibility to work at USPS.

Applicants are required to state in their job applications whether they are currently using drugs considered illegal according to federal legislation unless prescribed by a doctor.

Special Notes for Commercial Drivers

Applicants for positions requiring a CDL are in theory required to pass a mandatory USPS drug test with additional screening.

However, state laws regarding USPS drug testing may differ in 2024. For example, Delaware, Florida, Pennsylvania, California, and Georgia have their own unique drug testing regulations or lack of generally applicable drug testing laws. While in Texas or Iowa this requirement is mandatory.

Given these regional differences, applicants for CDL-required positions are advised to:

·        Investigate local laws: Before applying, learn about your state’s stance on drug testing and how it aligns with USPS policy.

·        Prepare accordingly: If you are in a state with strict testing policies, such as Texas, make sure you are fully prepared for a comprehensive drug testing process.

·         Seek advice: Consider consulting with current USPS employees or hiring managers in your state to get an insight into the application and testing process.


For employment at USPS, the guiding principle is federal law, which supports a consistent mandate for a drug-free workplace across the United States. This aspect underscores the importance of adhering to federal regulations even in states with more permissive drug use laws.

By administering pre-employment drug and alcohol screening, USPS ensures that its workers meet the highest standards of reliability and professionalism.


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