Ohio to increase penalties for texting while driving

November 17, 20220

Under legislation passed Nov. 16 by the Republican-led Ohio House of Representatives, police can in some cases stop drivers solely for holding or using a cell phone while driving.

The Anti-Distracted Driving Bill will increase penalties for texting while driving and place stricter restrictions on how a person can use a cell phone while driving.

Ohio law currently prohibits texting while driving, but allows the driver to hold the phone while talking and manually press buttons or the screen to make calls. The bill prohibits drivers from “using, holding, or physically supporting” some devices, with some exceptions, such as if they stop at a red light and use the speakerphone feature without holding the phone, or holding the phone to their ears to make a call, but without using text features.

Violations will become a primary offense rather than a secondary offense, meaning that a police officer can issue a ticket for that offense without needing another reason to stop the driver.

Republican Rep. Bill Seitz, who proposed adding exemptions for using devices at traffic lights or holding a call to your ear, defended the amendments. He stated that people “see not with their ears” but with their eyes, and compared the act to listening to a radio while driving.

Democrats questioned the amendments, saying the amendments passed did not go far enough.

Analysts for the bill noted that Ohio’s current law is “silent” when it comes to new ways to use the phone that have become part of everyday life since the pandemic, such as attending virtual meetings. The current law also does not provide guidance on various methods of using the phone, such as live streaming or video recording.

The bill soon will go to the Senate. Republican Senate President Matt Huffman said he did not support the bill but would allow a vote if a large majority of his fellow Republicans vote in support.

GOP Gov. Mike Devine had supported the legislation. His press secretary, Dan Tierney, said the passage of the bill in the House of Representatives is a “big step forward” toward saving more human lives.


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