How many gallons does a semi-truck hold?

February 22, 20240

Trucks play a vital role in the global supply chain, and the capacity of their fuel tanks undoubtedly affects the efficiency of freight transport. So, how many gallons of fuel does a semi-truck and tanker hold?

Below, we will examine the key factors that influence this metric.

Overview of fuel tank capacity

On average, a truck’s fuel tank can hold between 105 to 400 gallons of diesel fuel. It’s worth noting that most semi-trailers have two fuel tanks, effectively doubling the capacity.

This design ensures that trucks can cover long distances without the need for frequent stops for refueling.

The 95% and 25% rule

It is recommended to fill the tank to 95%, regardless of the fuel tank’s size. Diesel has the property of expanding and contracting due to external temperatures, so filling up “to the brim” could result in fuel wastage.

Furthermore, it is essential not to allow the tank to be more than 25% empty to avoid engine breakdowns.

How many gallons does a semi tanker truck hold?

The capacity of a tanker semi-trailer is adapted to specific transport needs. Therefore, to answer the question “how many gallons of fuel does a semi tanker truck?” one must analyze the requirements and efficiency of the specific type of transport.

Small tankers

Small tanker reservoirs have a capacity of 1000 to 3000 gallons, though some can hold 3800–5000 gallons of liquid. These tankers are used for transporting liquids over short distances, for example, refueling airplanes at airports.

Heavy tankers

The reservoir of a large tanker can hold between 6000 to 11000 gallons of liquid. Such transport is used for long distances, often in the oil and gas industry. Sometimes, a tanker may have several compartments for transporting different products simultaneously.


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